Expert support service for your company with the help of real experts and AI technologies
Our advantages
Expert experience for your business and AI technology support: fast, accessible when you really need it.
  • Prompt responses to requests
    You get answers from experts at the moment when you need it, do not waste time searching or selecting experts
  • A wide variety of experts and niches
    You can get an answer to your business question from our trusted experts in various fields and niches
  • Available
    Many consultations are paid for by large brands, in addition, you can strengthen your team with experience and expertise, without having to add an expensive employee to the staff
  • Analytics
    Analysis of your team's questions and answers with recommendations
Three Good Reasons
  • Quality
    Strengthening your current team by experts, bring the results and quality of work to a new level
  • Education
    Collecting and systematizing your company's knowledge using AI technologies, creating courses for new employees based on their typical questions
  • Automation
    Training based on your questions to AI assistant experts for your employees
How the service works
You connect the company to the service – employees get access to the mobile application
We are adding the necessary experts to strengthen your team
Employees ask questions related to solving problems to each other or experts connected to the service
You make a decision based on the expert's experience and your business grows faster
What You'll Get
  • Productivity
    The results of your team grow by at least 25%*, the quality of work increases to 45% by adding the expertise of invited experts
  • Experience
    The adaptation of new employees becomes automatic and more comfortable due to the training of an AI assistant
  • Knowledge base
    Your company's database is being formed, which is convenient for adapting and supporting new employees
  • Analytics
    Thanks to analytics, you can see which employees are asking questions, and which are the bearers of expertise in your team and answer others more than they ask, you can adjust the motivation system and make better decisions
Sign up for a beta our service
Expert experience for your business and AI technology support: fast, accessible when you really need it.
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